Saturday, February 25, 2006


February 25 Responses

Hi All, Our baby boom generation doesn't really do the coffee group sort of thing. In my opinion the long standing coffee group is incompatible with the baby boom mindset. We disdain any type of routine, so we will be way too proud to show up. We confer status on anything new, so we won't come to coffee more than once or twice, even if we really enjoy the group. Our generation likes to be part of several separate worlds, so many people don't like to get to know anyone too well, in case some of those worlds overlap. Since many in our generation have a very narrow idea of what constitutes a person worth knowing, but refuse to communicate their real expectations, most will discover that finding people worth knowing in the group is tough! As we age will our generation be able to grasp happiness even if happiness comes in a package with long term social relationships? Maybe as a generation we should reconsider. Will we mellow as we age? Like CCC I am attracted to the "Office" and coffee idea. I hope that sufficient numbers of people in our generation can mellow enough so that I can find one of those groups in 10 or 15 years. Until then I'll count on my current group of coffeeing friends and family, a pleasure that brightens several days a week at present! LHE
. . .
Mark..your thoughts and writings are so truly awesome… LL, Lethbridge

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