Mark, I didn't write yesterday because V-Day is always different every year. It's just like any other day to me, I suppose. When I was leaving my first marriage, I prayed to God for someone who didn't beat me, psychologically torment me and treated my family with some kind of respect and had some kind of understanding of what love is mostly about. I think love in a long-term relationship requires hard work. And work it is. We met in 1986, started "dating" in '87 and we married in late 1990. Anyway, I made my calls, nobody called me and I didn't care. Everyone was well and I couldn't ask for more. I then had the urge to wash and wax my car, by hand, in my front yard out on the street. I'm dressed in a magenta sweatshirt with three multi-colored parrots on the front, dark blue sweatpants and gray and red bulky sneakers. I still drew attention! I did NOT look like Nicolette Sheridan of "Desperate Housewives," I looked completely opposite. A couple of guys in a white pickup stopped and asked if I'd seen three brown Chihuahuas. They continued to drive by slowly every now and then. I would smile and wave if the timing was right. A family who just bought the newly built home next door were there to fix (put up) a gate for the new tenants (who weren't home.) One guy stood at my three-foot fence and watched me work. They were all speaking spanish, the kids playing tag (which I enjoyed watching from over the top of buffing the roof of my car) and breaking my concentration so I turned up my cd player. I listened to Keith Urban, U2, Janis Joplin and REO Speedwagon. What a mix, eh? I was really having a good time. *LOL* I had the whole day to myself until my son came home from school at about 2p. Anyways, I have an eye doctor appointment this morning so I gotta jet. I looked out the door this morning seeing my son off to school, and looked at my shiny, British Racing Green-colored, 1980 Volvo. On V-Day, I did something for me. Albeit, a little sore this morning, but worth it... Call me boring, I got what I asked for in this relationship, and we are happy, at least my husband remembers our anniversary, and he usually buys me a guitar. I now have 8 or 9 eight-stringed instruments and most of them are from him. But I hope everybody's expectations (without commercialization) of V-Day was O.K. And Mark, I'm sorry to hear about your car. AS in OC, be patient, good things come to those who wait. Let Go, and let God. It worked for me. ttfn ALP high desert
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Mark: Just wanted to say a special "thank you" to all the musers who replied and you shared with us. Being a single woman, all of the comments provided made me think, wonder and appreciate. Their openness to share warmed my heart. Thank you to all of you. , CB, Calgary . . PS - sorry to hear about the car troubles!!!
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What insights - Hi – I am not finished reading your readers responses. I got part way through and decided it was going to take more time than I had this am. You bring out some very heartfelt insights in your readers. From what I know of you (long but nor really) I think it’s the safety you create for them to really express themselves. What a wonderful service to a community. That is love. Hope you have a good day. It sounds like we have some nasty weather ahead. Cheers, DB, Red Deer
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Dear Mark.... hat great responses from musers yesterday....Sorry to hear about you car woes... You should be driving a Honda !!! I have had a Honda for years..C.R.V. first "great for Gusta" and now a pilot...its safe reliable and very good looking, low cost of maintenance, and good on gas (same ingredients as a good man ) anyway ..I didn't intend to sound like a sales pitch....but just my opinion on a great vehicle...I will also send an e.mail on a charity event for the Humane society hat you might be interested in...It sounds like fun...Take Care, LA, Calgary
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Having been widowed for two years, Valentines Day was not anticipated with huge glee. I did however decorate the house for Valentines and took a positive attitude. Happily, I got invited out for dinner and received chocolates. No - not a secret admirer but my daughter-bless her. Even if I can't share Valentines Day with my life's companion, it is a day to celebrate love in all its forms and so - celebrate!!! SM
# posted by Mark Kolke @ 9:25 a.m.