Wednesday, January 11, 2006


Wednesday Jan. 11, 2006 - Year 3, Day 296 - key issues

-3C/27F, light snow falling onto a blanket that fell overnight; Gusta is in dog-heaven while her owner tries not to fall on ice hidden under the snow . . . we’ll do better tomorrow

amazing how much we depend on little things/systems in our day to day life ‘not to fail’, amazing a day [or more] could be altered by a little event . . losing keys, locked out, no access to anything

‘life’ or at least ‘potential chaos of the day’ flashed through my mind; not when I fell on the ice, let loose of the leash or hollered for runaway Gusta to STOP – but when I got back to my building, reached into my pocket to find my keys missing . . . the sprint back to the ‘fall location’ & fumbling about in the snow were not all that comforting while ‘how will I manage to get through the day without my keys’ thoughts raced

a good idea putting keys in a zippered pocket, even better when the zipper is closed

having a spare set of keys made is no on my to-do list


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