Tuesday, January 17, 2006


Tuesday Jan. 17, 2006 - Year 3, Day 302 – 30 seconds

a full moon & stars watch us navigate snow & ice; neighbourhood is awake early, trash at the curb, lights on breakfast tables . . . it’s clear, calm & dark; -6C/21F in south Calgary this morning

we recently went through the gifting season; that time when well [or sometimes not so well] chosen gifts are wrapped, unwrapped & soon forgotten until next Dec. when we go at it again – not so much a retail treadmill as an 11 month lapse of gifting

what did you give away yesterday ? what will you give away today ? how many smiles, thoughts, words & orders from the florist marked your day yesterday ? how many are planned for today ? how many will happen spontaneously ?

I get wrapped up in the ‘file-du-jour’ with great zeal, rush through a day of emails, calls & quick hellos as I rush to & fro, but when I take a minute, or more likely ½ a minute to give away a warm thought, a positive idea, a complement the value of that time spent is incalculable

sometimes these gestures provide a return on investment – you know, the old cliché about what goes around comes around – more than that, what about the ‘I feel good when I do that factor?’ . . or maybe it just makes me a better person

I don’t cares about the pathology of this - it works; not so much on anyone else [maybe that too] but it works on me

take 30 seconds 4-5 times today to make a difference in someone’s day by what you say or do – give them a little gift of your thoughts, words, smile . . . or maybe even call your favorite florist

I feel better already


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