Tuesday, January 10, 2006


Tuesday Jan. 10, 2006 - Year 3, Day 295 - fabulous yellow roman candles

-8C/18F, overcast & frosty . . . a sprint more than a walk; Gusta argued with 2 lap pups . . we moved on

I’ve been reminiscing recently prompted by more than just a few déjà vu moments . . reflecting on early days in my relationship with SC

it was a couple of years so many years ago . . we moved on

we’ve been close, we’ve been estranged & a-stranged on many occasions, we’ve never been out of love, we’ve never run out of love – great lovers, great friends always . . we moved on

reconnecting . . revisiting . . remembering . . we moved on

memories to be treasured & remembering that loving someone that deeply lasts a lifetime no matter what directions & paths we each take; we have, we do, we will . . . we moved on

about a dozen years ago I sent a card with the Twain quote to SC . . she keeps it in a frame on her desk; well, she bested that with a card that arrived yesterday – destined to be framed & sit on my desk

the precious words inside the card suggesting this quote references me are private, humbling & will be treasured FAA; the card cover is this quote from Jack Kerouac:

‘The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars . . . ’

some people I’ve met over the last while have challenged me on how easily I say ‘NEXT’, but then they’ve not experienced the imagination of Twain & the passion of Kerouac rolled together during a precious place in time

when the bar is NOT set that high, it is better if . . . we moved on

I thought, in a 2nd marriage to ‘whatzername’, that I had found it again; I misjudged that by more than a country mile . . . we moved on . .

may life bring me more high bars & magic & fire . . . let it burn, let it be fireworks


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