Thursday, January 19, 2006


Thursday Jan. 19, 2006 - Year 3, Day 304 – paradise found

-5C/23F, refreshing walk, breeze & a whiff of a distant rabbit determined direction & pace as Gusta sprang to life unsure if she wants to hunt bunnies or just play with one

several people mentioned ‘Blink’ in response to my comments yesterday; I have the book on ‘audio book’ sitting right here atop my ‘to read’ pile – one of the ones I bought recently - it’s next on my agenda

returning to smoked salmon cream cheese, bagel & coffee . . seems like just another day in paradise

is the treadmill an exercise tool or metaphor for endless work toward a goal we seem to never quite reach ? . . or does it matter

like the treadmill, sometimes we go many miles but seem to not get very far; yesterday felt like one of those %(&!@#*# days as I overcame [at least I think I did!] a roadblock with a cranky client, complaint du jour diffused by recognizing he is tired, cranky & anxious to get home to his family after a long road trip . . . that helped

accepting things & people ‘the way they are’ is something I struggle with, trying to impact & influence – sometimes I just need to shut up & stop selling – I need to ask more ‘what do you think’ of others, stop, listen & let it settle . . things are so much better when I do

I did that yesterday; thanks SM for your wise counsel

KT called from PV; life & writing & the ‘ocean cures all things’ mantra . . it seems like just another day in paradise

‘Paradise can be found on the back of horses, in books and between the breast of a woman.’
– Arab Proverb


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