Sunday, January 08, 2006


Sunday Jan. 8, 2006 - Year 3, Day 293 - a bigger picture

calm, -6C /21F, a long walk to chill cheeks as the world stood quiet; we encountered a solitary large crow atop a sprig atop a branch atop the tip of dead tree [AI might suggest it was a raven ?] sounding his/her cry across the Fish Creek valley

a lazy hang out at home ‘making turkey soup day’ yesterday; hhmmm it was really good . . enough to last a week - well rested . . ready to go hard on a Sunday of work & preparing for a busy Monday with out of town clients to tour around . .

whether it is Bill Gates curing diseases in Africa with a single cheque or Esther Dyson opening up the former soviet world with internet access . . all good things . . I wonder if the dying in Africa, oppressed in China & many parts of the Muslim world . . . to say nothing of the starving everywhere – I really wonder if they care about the latest I-pod, satellite radio or George Bush’s legacy

the gap between rich & poor, fed & unfed, healthy & diseased, free & oppressed seems a little wider each day – it may be getting narrower, but I think it is getting deeper

smart people all over the world are doing lots of good things to make the world [or their pockets] better, making discoveries & developing new products which will diagnose & prevent, speed communication, fuel industry etc. . . those things must surely fuel discontent between haves & have-nots ??

how happy vs. unhappy are poor, starving or downtrodden peoples ? in a world where we are more & more capable of giving them a hand, giving them a hand-up are we not fuelling their discontent the more we sit by not helping ?

I’m feeling unbelievably wealthy, though I am not, when I compare my life, my way of life, my home, my country . . my opportunity to the whole world

I am a proponent of personal responsibility, but I wonder if the times have changed such that we should MAKE IT our responsibility to do these things that need doing ?

we expect, I think, our governments, corporate leaders & philanthropists to see the big picture, to see it & act on the things that need doing to help us, help the world & help our fellow citizens

it does not seem to be working

the big picture, the bigger picture – I think – is that we each need to take on that responsibility

sound preposterous, doesn’t it ?

each one, each 1 of us to take on responsibility for 6 billion of us ?

I think we ARE the only ones who can

if I am wrong, please tell me WHO you think is seeing the big picture & solving anything

happy Sunday to all from my soap-box


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