Saturday, January 21, 2006


Saturday Jan. 21, 2006 - Year 3, Day 306 – heat

calm, clear & cold as fresh snow on roofs against brilliant blue skies looks like the rockies in the distance . . jagged . . not in focus, -14C/7F; Gusta’s recent behaviour explained her paying way too much notice of males we encountered this morning - my pup now a ‘pubescent teenager’ who needs lecturing on ‘what it is those boys want’, so she understands they will happily play but never ask about her feelings or provide biscuits for the pups
note to self: move to a place with dark carpet

what is bigger than a breadbox & smaller than a 2 car garage ? . . answer, pregnant LR who sent a picture together with commentary on the pending [she hopes] early arrival of a fair maiden – Lauren, are you sure there is only 1 ?

I was as a party/fundraiser for Lee Richardson’s campaign last night; great to chat with a number of people I know & meet some new ones – a good number of musers among them – nice to see you all

he offered praise for my writing & courage to be open about feelings – thanks for that & nice to meetcha MT – got me wondering, since we live in a world of perceptions, often repeated, that women talk openly about their feelings while men do not

my thinking is not so much ‘why is that true?’ but more of ‘is that true?’

when prompted, men I know talk openly about their feelings about as much as women; those I know well are quite open, those I scarcely know less so

as a generation of men perhaps we have less practice at it than our softer counterparts, but I think we can do it just fine when called upon to express ourselves

women, I think, are the same – most will talk about feelings if prompted but don’t go out of their way to share, but they sell it better or maybe it just makes for better articles in Cosmo ?

men of my generation were socialized to not talk about feelings because that was the model we saw in our fathers; fathers [mine anyway] who freely talk about their feelings now

it makes me wonder if women were always ‘talking freely’ about their feelings; I suspect not

an 'OUR GENERATION' thing we can change, don’t you think MT ?

I think we learn more, achieve more, collaborate better & forge better relationships in personal, family & business relationships when we open the clam shell . . . baby steps to start, but we can

whether you are trying to make progress of some kind with someone or make progress with that person you face in the mirror, why not express those thoughts & feelings today ?

life’s short; imagine what you might be missing

no need to jump into the deep end of the pool with both feet, but how about dipping a toe ?

when is the last time you reached out, unsolicited, to tell someone your feelings ?

yesterday ? today ? tonight ? tomorrow morning ?

start with someone you know, trust & care about . . . start talking . .

turn up the heat a little, risk a little, dare to see the response you get

more than someone else learning about me, when I talk about/write about my feelings, I get more out of it than anyone else ever could

you can do it . . . yes you can


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