Saturday, January 07, 2006


January 7 Responses

I will be away in a 3rd world country for 3 months so can you drop me fromyour emailing lisr . I will notify you when to start when i get back .Thanks for everything, JF, Lethbridge
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Mark, I trust you didn't take my comments (perhaps it is you that is confused) assuggesting that I agree with JD. The communication that is so blatantly clear in my mind has a habit of coming across rather jumbled and often entirely different than my original intent. I love cars. I am one of those men who is not offended when it's suggested my choice of vehicle says something about me. Mere transportation it is not. I would rather drive a 20 year old BMW than a 3 year old "domestic" (given we don't have a Canadian car company, aren't they all imports?). It is a mechanical wonder with which to tinker, repair, tweak and tune into mechanical harmony and driving bliss...or at least that's how it is in my head. My wife's eyes glaze over in less than 3 seconds the moment I say something like "Since I replaced the idle air control solenoid..." My father-in-law on the other hand is listening with rapt interest as he shares the same propensity for taking things apart, ostensibly to make them better but, really we all know we take things apart because it's our nature - "screw goes out, screw goes in...simple enough...what's this do?". My wife thinks cars are dull. Dull? DULL!?!? Obviously she doesn't know what she's talking about the poor, misguided soul. My wife loves classic English literature. Austin, Dickens, god knows who else. Why anyone would subject themselves to the torture of reading and analyzing fiction from 300 years ago baffles me. My wife is pursuing her Masters in classic English because it's her passion (certainly not because it leaves her with a degree sufficient only to pursue a career as a Starbucks Barrista, or perhaps to inflict the pain of classic English literature upon other unsuspecting folk). My passion bores her to tears, and hers me. So then, define dull. Hence my statement that only you know if your life is dull. That JD does not experience your writing in the same manner others do is not a reflection of your life or her character (or lack of it). Her rather obnoxious communication of that is however. But that's just my 2 cents., AM, Calgary
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Mark is not dull, Mark is different, a good different! Just celebrating a birth of my 8th grandchild, also the 40th birthday of my oldest daughter today. Life is grand for me. I live in Kelowna but celebrate my childrens' lives here in Yorkton, Sk. Will golf again in Palm Desert in Feb. Take care big guy. GNP, Kelowna
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I enjoyed reading your emails, but have too much reading between home andwork. Thanks, TY, Calgary
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Hello again Mark, I was unable to open the attachment as it was barred to me as unsafe. Maybe you can send it to my hotmail address, instead. Please send my best wishes to Nancy for her contact via musings. Love from Shelagh, SK east of London

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