Hear hear!!, KW, Calgary
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Hello Dear musing, do not really have the time to read all your material ...Could you please take me off your mailing list please. Thank you ! Good luck ..., MC, Edmonton
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To AD, Palm Desert. RE A Dream: OMG! You took the words right right out of my mouth! Great minds think alike, don't you agree? Mark, how is your finger? I hope infection doesn't set in. Maybe Gusta feels more out of sorts because of what happened. Animals are emotional, too. So, just be your usual with her and tell her it's O.K. My dog has frontal hug issues, and has bitten two teens for it. I talked to him, asked him about it, and gave him frontal hugs to see what was up with that, but he seems ok. I discovered he is afraid of white clothing. I knew he does not like sudden flashes of white, ie: lightning bolts in the distance, and thunder at close range. I know why but I won't get into that right now....Chulo is a rescued dog, (all my dogs are) and that's all I'll say. And about men expressing feelings. My husband is a hobbyist drummer, which is usually a good outlet, (some of the neighbors like it, some don't)but he likes to express also in poetry. He's entered some of them in contests, but hasn't won anything, yet. Some gentlemen are good at expression through the written word, some not-so-gentle, via handiron, or psychological/emotional blackmail, etc. I could go on and on about stuff like this, therapy and/or reconditioning (for lack of a better word, anybody?) vs Capital Punishment. Maybe the affects from substance abuse? Loose screws? Hmmm. I'm not man-bashing, women have their ways of expression, too. On a broader spectrum, group terrorism both male and female. (Speaking for myself, I "clammed-up" after 9/11 and left some important projects unfinished and this site is the first time for my "baby steps" since then. Thank you, whoever signed me up!) Who knows. Sometimes up-bringing has a hand in it, too. But of course you don't need me to tell you this. Just my observation. And Wow! A woman president in Africa! The world will be watching....When will it be our turn? Is America ready for the female persuasion to lead our country? I guess that for now, we'll just have to pretend. Gena Davis, you go girl! ALP, high desert.
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As a voting tax-payer I agree that everyone should "want" to vote. However, I disagree that those who don't vote have no right to speak. Canadian's who pay taxes in this country have the right to voice their opinion when they don't like the job that's being done (and there has been a lot to dislike the last few years). Should they vote? Yes, I personally believe everyone should be proud to exercise their right to vote but if they don't, whatever their reasons, they still must have the right to be heard!, CC, Calgary
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Re: good grand new idea - I've been ill this past week, and my outlet for mental and physical health (type II diabetic), I walk. So I say, I'm sorry if I rambled too much. A little "cabin fever" I suppose. I'm with you, Mark. I know of 'peoples' who don't vote and I say, "If you don't want to exercise your right to vote, you lose your right to complain." I love these peoples, so don't get me wrong. ALP, high desert
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Glad to hear that you're voting for the Tories. I look forward to tomorrow. Best regards, KB, Toronto
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West Wing has been cancelled. One more hour to fill for you starting in May. *By the way, it was cancelled before the death of John Spencer. They WILL reveal the "Winner" of the Santos/Vinnick election before then, Ratings suffered from the move to Sunday. Thought you should know., NK, ?
# posted by Mark Kolke @ 3:42 p.m.