Monday, January 16, 2006


January 16 Responses

Mark, Are you in the Landmark Team Management Leadership Program? I'm trying to figure out how I am getting your e-mails., VP, ?
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"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." - Martin Luther King; and further to ALP's comments and on a lighter note........'Before youcriticize people, you should walk a mile in their shoes, that way, when you criticize them you're a mile away, and, you have their shoes.' , MP, Calgary
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I wrote this somewhere else, and your musing today reminded me. Even if we don't see change, be it anyway, because: I am dreaming bigger every day. Cause like Dr. MLK, Jr, I know that the power to change those swords into plowshares is a mystical energy of people gathering, and singing. Joseph Rael saw it in his vision of the peace chambers: people singing. And in their vibration of peace, everything changed. And while I believe that a critical mass of people singing will cause the warmongers to put down their arms, the true magic is they don't even have to. Even if we don't see the evidence we think we want to see, our song is changing the world, bringingpeace. That is extraordinary faith, and the awesome power of a BIG dream! CSHope Maine

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