Friday, January 20, 2006


Friday Jan. 20, 2006 - Year 3, Day 305 – deep hurt

snow & frozen slush crunches dryly underfoot as we walk in frosty darkness – little interaction as we both have things on our mind, sullen golden retriever, musing owner; it’s -10C/16F in south Calgary as first light touches the horizon

yesterday afternoon while I was on the phone my right hand petting Gusta, she was licking fingers . . she sneezed . . startling us both including the caller under the other end hearing my yelp ‘my dog bit me!’; involuntary sneeze + surgical precision = large tooth pierces finger; albeit a second that deep plunge produced a gusher – she more shocked & affected than me

in discussion yesterday about honesty or, rather, lack of it in relationships of all kinds but most particularly about it regarding dating relationships; my point being that most of my experience & experiences of my friends has been that many people are dishonest – not so much in terms of what is said, but in terms of what is not said . . sins of omission if you will disguising truth or misdirecting the inquirer

I found it interesting - this person a professional matchmaker – observed something that surprised me & got me thinking; she said what is described as dishonesty is not necessarily so but rather it is ‘perception of dishonesty’, that it is incumbent on the person encountering this appearance of dishonesty to probe, question & discuss issues to determine what the issue is all about etc.

while I think that is ‘good coaching’ I hold to my view that dishonesty, wearing disguise du jour, is a LARGE warning flag worth heeding, but then again I am not selling a service predicated on long drawn out process . .

moral of today’s tale: to avoid deep hurt, err on the side of full, true & complete disclosure . . . & don’t put your hand in an animal’s mouth when it is about to sneeze


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