Saturday, December 31, 2005
Saturday Dec. 31, 2005 - Year 3, Day 285 - 15 desires
always an interesting discourse on arts, primal screaming & foreign affairs . . DL came by for a visit & dinner last night – see you next year
middle aged sleeping in - a delicate balance between sleeping enough to be really decadently rested yet stopping before my back starts killing me
tonight I exit the box called 2005 to enter an empty one called 2006
a box into which I drag most of my possessions [there is a lot to be said of the Italian tradition of throwing things out the window] into the new box
I try to leave some old habits behind – I expect nuns do too
but, what to take on this trip ?
an open mind, a sense of adventure & energy seem like obvious things to pack
what about the other stuff ?
some call it baggage, some call it stuff, some call it ‘my sh__’ . .
we all do this dragging & packing & moving thing every day but rarely stop to say ‘what am I carrying into tomorrow’ with the drama we do about ‘what we are carrying into a new year’
I’d like to leave my procrastination skills behind, but likely won’t get at that for a while
I have some ‘I’m going to do that every day’ as well as ‘some new weekly things’ that will hopefully help me to better achieve my desires for the new year
what desires ?
To change the world a little
To have challenging creative work to do
To be rich with great friendships
To have laughter every day
To have someone to love
To be loved
To have refreshing sleep
To spend time enjoying my family
To have fitness & health
To spend time golfing
To take golfing vacations
To write, publish books & articles
To create a great building
To enjoy financial security
To plan & build a great home
those who know me well will say, ‘those were your goals last year, weren’t they?’
they were, they are, they remain
15 desires, mostly achieved
15 things I know I can do better
my record, with the exception of the last 4, was pretty good this year . . certainly head & shoulders above 2004
today is a blank canvas, so is tomorrow
start painting . . or panting; on 2nd thought . . do both