Hi Mark. Took the time last night to read all of the "Musings" that came while I was indulging in the flu. Never again will I question do you have many "you's", all doubt has been removed. Congrats on the nineteen years, is not a road I have ever had to walk but have spent many years working with young people who have had one or more addictions and know that it is a tough journey but one well worth it. Bent grass and sand ,remote controls and a woman to capture your heart...quite the mix. Can offer sweet grass, the love of sand and sea and a TV with no remote control, and the willingness to share West Wing(is my fave show..guess it reminds me of the days of camelot and my love for politics) as to the capture of your heart..hmm that depends on many things. Have a good weekend Mark..take care, SN
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To answer AK's questions: "We all know that the word "Titanic" means big. But did it mean big prior to the Titanic shipping disaster? Is there a prior meaning for the word?" Yes, it did and there is! The word "titanic" refers to a person of superhuman size, strength or intellect. It stems from Greek mythology which believed the Titans were children of Uranus and Gaea of enormous size and strength and typical of lawnessness and the power of force. From this we get both "titanesque" and "titanic", HM
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Happy Birthday. Sober is most awesome and empowering, AL
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To everyone counting their days of sobriety, I say HATS OFF to YOU! I am the daughter of an alcoholic and I know how much my life changed when my Dad became a Recovering Alcoholic. Everything comes at a price, but the payoff for sobriety is HUGE for yourself and everyone that loves you!!!! , TD
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Mark - I am flattered that you feel my theory about men's dating mirroring men's television watching seems to have some basis in truth. Soooo – are there any men out there who would find me interesting enough to stop channel-surfing?? AW
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Hi Mark, You mention warm weather, bent grass. Arnold Palmer signature golf course at the Four Seasons in Costa Rica, paradise! Went out the other day at noon, nobody on course, went around in 3.5 hours, too fast for such a beautiful setting!, Seasons Greetings!, JT
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Hey Kolke....my bags are packed, I'm ready to go...... Have a great Christmas and a successful New Year and I'll see you in Feb., KN
# posted by Mark Kolke @ 5:02 p.m.