Congrats on the Sobriety. Hey, I have a thought/muse for you. We all know that the word "Titanic" means big. But did it mean big prior to the Titanic shipping disaster? Is there a prior meaning for the word? Have a great day, AK
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Sandra in CDA, Idaho...I almost skipped reading your musing today, but your celebration of sobriety really grabbed me! I had nineteen days, not years, of sobriety, and then blew it on a first date with a new guy, because I didn't have the confidence to decline a drink. Then I just went on a self destructive binge for another day. Today, is day three of sobriety, again, and for those who are not alcoholic, they think, "what's the big deal?" We know in our heart, it IS a big deal, and are thankful for reclaiming our life to be everything wonderful we were meant to be. I celebrate with you, and you are inspiring!!, SW
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Mark, Thank you thank you thank you!!! [for the Dec. 7, 2004 ‘not today’ musing] That's it! I want to give my daughter today a gift of her mother not being in the fog residue from the night before! I will keep this musing and remember why I need to get through this day, saying "not today". This makes sense. I have a rebellious nature, which is sometimes a gift, but the insanity of it is, if I project my self into the future, and tried to imagine NEVER having a drink again as long as I lived amen....I would rebel against that constraint. But, if I keep just this day of choice, that seems manageable! Not Today, is a free will choice which is clean from the past, or future. It's now! We never know what seeds take root in a small bit of wisdom crossing our consciousness!! Gratefully, Sandra, SW
PS....I'm going to print out your past musing from a year ago, and put it in my Big Book, which was presented to me at the annual gratitude banquet, for the person with the 'least' days of sobriety, on the evening of my first day at an AA meeting!
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Way to go, Mark. 19 years, and you sound very grateful for your sobriety. I have been a friend of Bill's for 31 years - the same way you have - one day at a time. Bless you - and many more. LBK, PalmDesert
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# posted by Mark Kolke @ 9:16 a.m.