Re: regrets - A topic true to the meaning of musings...........Well-stated, always thoughtful and now we're wiser, nb
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I have watched and waited these past days of musings and am quite amazed that nobody has commented on the muser (LR) who referred to her step-grandmother as a cockroach (Dec 12th), and referred to her impending passing in the following way ... "When she finally succumbs, it'll be a relief for all of us". I have also experienced ornery, cantankerous people but I happen to believe that there is good in all of us ... sometimes its a little harder to find. ,KD
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Hi Mark: I've always admired your committment to your Dad. You are lucky to have your Dad and he is lucky to have you. Both your lives are enriched by each other. At this time of year when perhaps we are thinking more about family and missing those who won't be with us, it is heartwarming to see that neither of you take your relationship for granted. Please pass on my best wishes of the season, DL
# posted by Mark Kolke @ 6:26 a.m.