Hi Mark, Just wanted to be the first (or not) to wish you a happy 1001st day of musing. You have provided a powerful medium, allowing so many people the opportunity to connect...not just with you but with each other. And, therein lies one of your greatest gifts. May there be many more "thousand" milestones, all taken one step at a time., LR(B)
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Mark - I agree exactly with BM - I will be in a rush in this manic world I work in and am occasionally tempted to just delete for the day, but I can't bring myself to do it - I might miss something - and I am right - I would have. When I come in on Tuesdays (I don' work Monday) there are 3 for me to read ~ and I always do. Thank you for continuing - I also don't have any idea who put me on the list, how I started receiving your thoughts, but occasionally I will respond with a note here or there - but most of the time, I just digest and enjoy! LBK
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Mark, In case you are wondering why I don't write more often . . . if I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times. Congrats! KK
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Hello Mark! I was thrilled to see the amazing responses to yesterday's musings. You truly deserve the acknowledgements and comments. Re: Silence from (or notfrom... how would we know?) so many subscribers and quoting a line from a song by Jack Johnson that goes something like this... "Silence speaks very loudly"... There are so many that truly enjoy your soul's thoughts... silently. In short, it was wonderful to hear from some of your 'silent' strangers/friends. Mark, I have been on your list of strangers for a long time. It is time to meet in person and my wish would be to be - one of your friends. Many blessings to you and to all of your virtual friends during this magical time of year! LS :-)
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Congratulations, Mark on "batting 1000" - a most significant accomplishment. I, too, read, enjoy, digest, but never respond. Just because you don't hear from us doesn't mean your sage wisdom, advice, insight, and humour aren't appreciated. Maybe you could cheer everyone with a Christmas picture of Gusta? BR
# posted by Mark Kolke @ 6:55 a.m.