Mark - phenomenal! 1,000 musings and I've read every one of them (I think I'm one of your original 8). You probably have now earned yourself a place in the Guinness Book of Records. Here's to the next 1000 musings. And the next..... Thank you for being such a people person. Love Pam xxx, PI
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Hey Mark .. You forgot to call me Monday about a 'Getaway Golf ' trip. Maybe we should check with all your musers and see if there are others interested in doing the same thing and we could start an 'Annual Muser Golf Getaway' I think that would be great fun. Some destinations I have in mind .. Phoenix, Tuscon, S. California , The Carolinas , St. George, Utah and of course Florida. I know you are busy .. I read that every day so I'll wait for your call but if I do see something very enticing I'll let you know. Take care ... CCC (Ms. Travel Agent)
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Mark, still enjoying your musings though not always time to read every day. Being away from Chinook country for so many years, I enjoy the weather report ;-) Also, had a wonderful outbreak of laughter at a typo in today's musings where AK Ithink meant "lawlessness" but wrote "lawnessness". So in my Zen-master humor I thought of all the rogue lawns I have ever known and how they still attack and demand attention, especially on the wet coast. Anyway, all the best for 2006!, JD
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Mark, When I read your email today it was like watching the Ball in Times Square, the countdown to see the numbers roll over. The feeling must be grand and knowing that so many of us are still sharing the moment with you. I continue to read you everyday, I have shared your daily musings with others this year that were going through some rough periods and your words and thoughts have brought a calm to their otherwise confused and hectic lives. Over the past year I have enjoyed you being a part of my daily life, making me look at things in another perspective at times and other times just sharing your ramblings. I look at the daily musings as my retreat from the hectic pace of the business world where I can stop and change my focus and thoughts before I have to return to the task at hand. I admire your perseverance in communicating every single day. Now that we are getting closer to the end of another year and I want to say Thank you for opening up your world and sharing it each day with all of us out here. One of the original 8., KM
# posted by Mark Kolke @ 5:50 p.m.