Saturday, December 10, 2005


December 10 Responses

Mark, the responses to your musings that I've read lately reflect what I mean when I've said that I'm MOST interested in the responses ... to see how your musings touch others, move and inspire others, even when you irritate or challenge others ... what a very special experience and opportunity for you ... and for those reading. Settle? Are you looking for Ms. Right or Ms. Right Now? If you're looking for Ms. Right, DON'T settle. Go for 100% of what you're looking for and accept 80% of what you want as long as the remaining 20% doesn't include any of your "no go" items. In the meantime, if Ms. Right Now knows that's what she is, why not? The risk? You may be spending time with Ms. Right Now when you could be using that time to find Ms. Right. And then again, Ms. Right Now could turn out to be Ms. Right ... DAAM
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Is there a reason why you send this stuff to me every day?, LE
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A Belated Happy Anniversary to you, Mark. Can you look behind you and see the tracks that you and your "19 year-old shoes" have made? What a wonderful feeling. Congrats and Kudos to you and a wet puppy kiss to Gusta. *lol* Sorry, I get a little carried away. My hubby and I celebrated 15 years of Marriage on that day. Went to Disney Land on Saturday, the 10th, for a company luncheon which was good but the rest of the day, what a nightmare! I thought it was the whole population of California coming to celebrate Disney's 50 Golden years. But I did meet a couple from Australia, which I felt was the high point of the day, so nice! I loved how they said, "We're from Down Unda." I wonder what accent they heard from me? She was asking all the questions then stopped with an apology, I smiled and gave her a real warm hug and said no offense taken, welcome to America. There were groups from all walks of life there: Japanese students, India Indians, A (Burka?)-clad woman walking IN FRONT of her man, so cool! My husband mentioned on the way home that it would have been a good place for terrorists to hit. I shudder at the thought. Anyway, change is happening all around us, whether we see it, much less notice it, or not. If we wish change for the better, so be it. And if a change needs to take place (I often have my heels dug into the ground on this) nature will take its course. Then I wonder, when that change happens and it wasn't bad, what was I fussing about? Anyway, I hope that this change has been kind to, and I hope that you are happy and glowing with accomplishment. Your shipmate,A.L.P.

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