Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Tuesday Nov. 29, 2005 - Year 3, Day 254 - CPR time
maybe artists have answers
‘It takes a long time to become young.’ – Pablo Picasso
or singers - with tunes like ‘please, release me, let me go’
or . . Michaelangelo, as he ‘released’ David from a chunk of marble
me too - waiting to be released from marble constraints, or is that butterscotch ripple ?
seriously, why cannot we just ‘release ourselves’ from things that constrain us ?
I do not mean try the CPR method I saw on TV last night, I mean the metaphorical CPR
re-start your heart ?
why not revive our spirit of playfulness that made us so successful as children ?
our structures are not physical, but rather the bonds of ‘how things are’ or how we’ve been trained to behave; societal norms, family ways & relationship politics
I see others, see myself, remaining prisoners without walls - held by things that should not bind us or hold us back or prevent a free spirit from emerging
I’ve spoken recently with several people whose aversions to things that should not matter, whose tales of people who stayed way too long in unhealthy relationships [oh, haven’t we all] in one form or another leave them seeking to be ‘released from that’, seeking ‘to find their new ME’ . .
struggle that shouldn’t be struggle
the creative process we had as children to draw what we dreamed deserves revisiting
who cares whether we colour inside the lines or on the outside of the box ?
look in the mirror
wonder & ponder – do we see those same things we’ve seen for years or do we see the playful energy of our youth ?
I found myself observing others & commenting on things . . of things, patterns, behaviours & issues that never change – realizing I have my own set of foibles, possibly just as frightening to someone new in my life as some of those ‘issues du jour’ are for me in someone else’s
I’ve made some new connections – always fun, always an adventure – will they be freeing ?
will they be child-like fun ?
never knowing what a walk, dinner, slice of cheesecake or box of crayolas may bring
revive me, my spirit - give CPR, repeat . . give CPR a chance to revive my spirit