Sunday, November 06, 2005
Sunday Nov. 6, 2006 - Year 3, Day 230 - I got the ahs
the musing ‘list code’ indicates how long you have been a muser; each of the 15 lists has about 400 addresses - to lose someone from list 1 is a very big deal !
but, it is time to bid farewell to Pat [PB] . . who wrote rarely but always thoughtfully; he has left us with parting words of his recent experiences in New Orleans & a link to his photography
ah . . thanks to my Toastmasters friends for a great time at the banquet last night; the long program & mediocre meal was made bearable . . we were well entertained at our table; a speaker yesterday inspired me when he spoke of the many forms of the ‘ah’
ah . . . dogs [retrievers named Maggie(2) & Sophie(6)] & rabbits [2] entertained Gusta this morning, as she pulled us both across ever piece of ice covered by snow you could imagine – broken bones barely avoided !
ah . . . not much better could this morning be unless in the company of someone who enjoyed Sunday morning lounging around coffee & papers as much as I do
ah . . to imagine a weekend in Portland [great article in the NY Times on Portland Maine v. Portland Oregon] or golfing in Puerto Vallarta or sprawled on a massage table
awe . . we are what we think about
what are you thinking about ?
awe . . . opportunity, that what we miss unless we grab it
awe . . amazing, the range of thoughts conjured in a room when everyone was asked to name their favorite thing . . . c’mon . . . what’s yours ?
not your list of things you like, but your 1[ONE] favorite thing
no need to publish it . . just know what it is, where it is & how you are going to get lots of it
maybe it’s in Portland or Tucson or Puerto Vallarta or right here .. ?
ah . .