Sunday, November 27, 2005


Sunday Nov. 27, 2005 - Year 3, Day 252 – great expectations

-3C /28F, fresh snow crunches underfoot, walking precariously as lug soled hikers on ice while being pulled by Gusta the plow-horse I am challenged to keep my balance while she burrows & snowplows on every 2nd lawn

‘There are only two tragedies in life: one is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it.’ – Oscar Wilde

and, ‘what would Dickens say ?’ . . he had those great expectations

getting, getting what we want, getting ‘some’; all familiar terms, but how do we get what we want ?

I am reading something I’ve been asked to critique; it challenges me, not so much to comment on the writing, which is pretty good, or the content which is overflowing . . . but it is overflowing with the angst, pain & anger of someone who cannot get over the loss of something that, it would appear, was not so joyous or at least not to the other party

I’ve ranted - most of us have when we’ve left a relationship or when we’ve been left or when things go horribly off track; I’ve brooded about what went wrong, about whose fault it was

how many times, I wonder, do couples together get what they both want ? or, speak openly about how 1 or both is not !

I often encounter men & women who have split; when I hear their tales of woo & woe, chronicles of anger, betrayal & loss – I am amused, not in a laughing way, but in a ‘why could they not see the forest for the trees’ way

losses, I often wonder, are not loss of what they had [since their retrospective is usually coloured with so many stories of mediocrity or worse] but of their expectations of what they had

great expectations, lost

were they realistic, ever ?

it does not matter . . the loss of those expectations hurts deeply . . without regard to whether they were realistic in the first instance !

oh such great expectations lost & gone

as I consider new adventures, new opportunities to have sweet & fruity dessert & great company too . . I am challenged to keep my balance

it seems it is Grey Cup Day - go Esks !


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