Saturday, November 19, 2005


Saturday Nov. 19, 2005 - Year 3, Day 244 - leftovers

breezy & clear, cooler normal weather returns, 1C /34 F, frisky dog & frisky owner ran as much as we walked this morning . . . felt great

someone pooh-poohed me yesterday - I mean ‘dismissed me arrogantly with self indulgent smugness that was so unnecessary & unbecoming’

Q. ‘do I do that to someone else ?’

A. ‘no . . . well . . actually . . . yes, sometimes’

just as the person I’ve mentioned, I know I write people off, write opportunities off because a ‘first impression’ tells me it will be a waste of time or because I will get my head messed with or both . . or just ‘cause my gut says NEXT !

so why was she such a fat cow [not a reference to her girth, but a metaphor meaning incredible idiot] ? why is it some people, me included, dismiss others arrogantly, ignore a chance to get to know someone who might be interesting ?

Q. why do we pass on an opportunity to pursue a challenge that might be interesting, instructive, impossible & absolutely worthwhile ?

A. ‘Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.’ – Albert Einstein

Albert understood human behaviour better than Sigmund or maybe he worked for a large accounting firm

the frenetic day & busy week ended pleasantly - AW came over for dinner; Gusta loves attention she gets from visitors, especially when they are dog owners – she can smell another dog but cannot find it

I like company & enjoy cooking a ‘real meal’ + the leftovers it generates are often better the next day re-heated

leftovers - lingering enjoyment of someone’s company . . and, oh yes, the food in the fridge too

my thoughts this morning a Saturday morning jumble – the ‘to do’ list, the ‘to do’ pile, the ‘to do’ errands . . . as visions of warm beaches, groomed golf courses, weekend getaways & magical yes & yes moments creep in to my mind, they dance in my head like visions of sugar-plums

I think I’ll - work, read, play, errands, work, read, play, errands, work, read, play, errands – I love repetition

it would be nice to have a massage & a lazy afternoon curled up with a good book about a hot woman . . . or maybe better without the book

anyone in Calgary single & free tonight ? yes & yes gets leftovers & a movie !


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