Tuesday, November 29, 2005


November 29 Responses

Please remove me from the list, Thanks and good luck., RM
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We need to stay in touch with our little girl, or our little boy, in us … where all things are possible, where everyone is as they are – with their own beauty, where every day – every moment – is new and where we are on an eternal exploration. Yet, too often we limit our possibilities, limit our people and live in the past or live in the future – all with varying reasons. Must we? Some would argue; some of the time – or others, most of the time. Hmm... I argue that our little girl, or our little boy, is our mentor. They are our genesis … that we need to welcome them as an active participant in our life. DAAM
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Please sign me back on to your distribution list., GF
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I guess each person can decide which constraints are binding and which constraints are freeing. I think that we all make choices and choose our own constraints. Where are we personally comfortable? Some people choose not to have the constraints of work in their lives and have freedom every day to spend the day as they please, usually without any money so their choices about what to do are very confined. Some choose to work and then have more choices for their leisure time. Some people choose to have the day to day freedom that comes with single life but in their happiness may not realize that others choose a more constant sexual life, or choose family life, or choose the ability to build assets together so that they can retire early. Some people do not have the emotional make-up to enjoy constant changes of partners. What is a constraint to one person might represent freedom to someone else. The best thing is that we can choose for ourselves, although we are constrained because others are sure to make choices differently from ourselves. LHE

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