Sunday, November 27, 2005


November 27 Responses

Ah...I didn't give you something to critique, did I? Or are there scores of other wounded birds out there transiting your life space? Trust you had a flavorful sea bass evening with the Hawkwood visitor... No, I never kissed you off - apparent mis-understandings in both directions. I'm just a mess and don't expect anyone else to share in it. The literature suggests it takes 9 months to work through the worst of a "crisis." I should be getting there soon. Just now arrived home, so need to concentrate on family first. Later, amigo., CB
. . .
Hello Mark, you may not remember me, I met you at Starbucks in Shawnessy one evening for coffee and chat in order to determine if we would spark a mutual interest in each other either in a physical or mental regard. Anyway I just want to say that although I intend to some day enjoy the luxury of time spent reading one person’s view of life and running commentaries of their day to day dog walks etc. I do not wish to read the musings every day. Please delete my name from your list. Thanks anyway Mark, NC

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