Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Tuesday Oct. 25, 2005 - Year 3, Day 218 – the sky is not falling

chilly wind from the west whistling through the tall grass mutes distant traffic noise, 2C / 36F, as we walked the lagoon route, sky lit by a ¾ moon & billions of lights – it’s holding steady, I am sure it’s not falling

it would be nice to open a paper or turn on the TV without there being a disaster, war, plague or political blunder staring us in the face – I am certain the sky is not falling, but just one day it would be nice to know that chicken little had taken the day off

news of hurricane mayhem remind me of a trip to Cozumel & Cancun a number of years ago; what a shame so much has been destroyed – reminder the Mayans had it right when they built very little near the coast, securing their communities & buildings inland, Tullum being the exception to that

to LH & any other musers in the path of trouble – walls may tumble & water will rise, but I am pretty sure the sky is not falling

hope you are all well & warm & dry


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