Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Tuesday Oct. 18, 2005 - Year 3, Day 211 - no control
I was pondering last night as I watched news coverage about bird-flu pandemic fear spreading through Europe
fear of widespread death is on the minds of many well informed people not unlike war time; is it real & justified or is this a Y2K kind of fear that will not be realized ?
flu kills lots of people every winter, mostly frail elderly folks . . . so I wonder what is so different about this – aside from massive media attention – or is it the reality sinking in, of just how little control we, governments & science have over this . . perhaps inevitability . . that a pandemic or 2 every century is no less normal than earthquakes & volcano eruptions . . it just happens & we have no control over it
I cannot control many things, in fact very few . . .
. . . I’m going to try to focus better on those I can & worry less about those I cannot
an ‘ah-hah’ moment this morning; an epiphany relating to little procedural thing that works well; why it works well just became apparent - cool
an email overnight from EK [thank you] on a potential new project