Sunday, October 02, 2005
Sunday Oct. 2, 2005 - Year 3, Day 195 - a much needed romp
yesterday was full; HK was discharged from the hospital, I took him home [he’s resting just fine!]; spent the rest of the day with AW .. golf, a meal & a movie & Gusta made a new friend
what a preview - I tried to explain to someone the other evening that when she interrupted me so often it showed lack of respect for me & what I had to day; I would have told her but she kept interrupting me so much I didn’t have an opportunity to get it out– don’t want to see that movie !
If you feel like I do today, this is for you -
If you feel nothing at all today, this is for you -
Sunday, quiet time
Sunday, time to play
Sunday, a time pause
Sunday, a writing time
Sunday, a reading time
Sunday, a thinking time
Sunday, a day for musing
Sunday, a NYTimes & coffee
Sunday, a time to groom Gusta
Sunday, a newsletter writing day
Sunday, a day to vacuum . . or not
Sunday, a day for soup pot stirring
Sunday, a day for dousing silly ideas
Sunday, a day for stirring up emotion
Sunday, a day for starting a good book
Sunday, a day for laying around like Gusta
Sunday, a day for curling up - need hot woman
Sunday, a day to soak in the tub & read the pile
Sunday, a day for cleaning the storage room or not
Sunday, time to reach for something elusive, sweet
Sunday, a time to walk on the beach if I had a beach
Sunday, time to pose questions, answers not required
Sunday, the day everyone rests so I can catch up on work
Sunday, a day to write of things I could do, or I could do them
Sunday, the day my phone doesn’t ring much, a day of solitude
Sunday, a day to read aloud in bed, if there was someone to listen
Sunday, a day to watch flights of geese test their wings for a long flight
time for a much needed romp
c’mon Gusta