I'm not sure how I arrived on your email list, but I wanted to let you know how much I am enjoying your creative ruminations on everyday life. I find it reassuring, somehow, to know that others share similar thoughts, feelings frustrations and dreams. And you express yours so well. Enjoy your interesting day., ML
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Hey Mark, I certainly enjoy getting your daily emails. I must apologize that I have not called you prior to today. I have been driving around the USA looking for a specific car. Interesting as that might sound, I have found it. A rare BMW X5 found in Evergreen Colorado! Imagine my surprise. So the Honda Goldwing is now in storage here in Colorado and the car is now licensed and driving well. I will fill you in today with why I am calling you. A reminder, TA asked me to call and after receiving your emails, I think its a good time to do just that., KY
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Thank you, FC, for putting so eloquently into words what we all -- or perhaps most of us -- experience some times. It isn't popular to embrace the dark and lonely sides of the soul, but I think necessary and, in some cases, the purpose of it all. Reaching the depth, as it were, not just skimming the surface. And then, when we are freed from the fear of looking, we can find grace and light - all the better to see the path ahead. Divine Discontent, as you say. An amazing and intellectual article just came out in the Atlantic Monthly on this subject: "Lincoln's Great Depression." I highly recommend it for the soul. PM
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Hey nice info you posted. I just browsing through some blogs and came across yours! Excellent blog, good to see someone actually uses em for quality posts. Your site kept me on for a few minutes unlike the rest :) Keep up the good work! Thanks!, anon
# posted by Mark Kolke @ 12:59 p.m.