I've enjoyed the musings but find i am inundated these days and don't have time to read. please remove me. thank you and keep up the valuable work. , MR
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Hello Mark is it? Just a quick -- private & personal -- note. Your message of Oct 16 (loneliness, naps, foreign places, etc) resonated strongly w/ me (I was there too) and it seems w/ others as well. I'm a bit taken aback by the comment re: "many others wish for the luxury. . .". Yes, we know but, in the state, such a comment is not that helpful in my view. Are you now to feel guilty or shamed of the darkness, loneliness, sadness you experienced? Yes, it's good (& important) to count our blessings (Gusta ). AND the dark/shadow states are not always upliftingly responsive to such efforts. The "luxury" that we have does also seems to bear w/ it a kind of divine discontent and a different kind of suffering, often one more of the soul than of the body. I have experienced extreme pain of body and of life threat. I have found it nonetheless much more manageable and bearable than the dark rides of the soul. I'm pleased to hear that "the darkness that was Sunday blew away"; it is good to know the darkness does pass (eventually) and that it has moved on like a cloud passing over the sun. Wishing you well and soft journeys even when darkness disturbs. All the best, FC
# posted by Mark Kolke @ 6:51 p.m.