Sunday, October 16, 2005


October 16 responses

"Ugly and gloomy in here too" - ooh, not a good way to spend a Sunday - thanks to Gusta for giving you some comic relief. Sometimes it is as if they sense we need some fun. Hugs from me. AW
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Hi Mark I am aware of my reticence to give you feedback on topics as we do tend to think so differently and my words could be interpreted as negative rather than the constructive tone I try to emit... we are all so very different with different lives and times and countries and stages of our being that what is one mans meat is another mans poison. In the past we have clashed over differing attitudes and dogma, glad this time my feedback was allowed to be printed as an opinion, SF
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Mark, just a short email to say we ALL have days like the one you're describing ...particularly Sundays. It's hard to put things in perspective when loneliness creeps in - it's such an overwhelming feeling however we must try to see the big picture and realize how lucky we are to even have "time" on our hands to think. There are so many who wish they had such a luxury in these times of war, natural disasters, and terrorist attacks....etc etc. Well, that's my 2 cents. Many can relate to your wrestle with life - I know I can. In the end, I know you will smile and keep on finding something precious within the day-to-day routine. Have a great week! Warmest regards, RA
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Hmm you found me...., NT
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"Normal" changes, from the delicate growth in spring to the shriveled leaves on concrete. What is "it", Mark? As in... "figure 'it' all out,.. toss 'it' aside,... write 'it' off?" K.I.S.S. As all mothers say, "What's REALLY bothering you, just right now?Answer that question and you don't need the nap, the B.M. or the dramatic escape to foreign parts. "It" will follow you to your couch or bedroom, to your bathroom, even to Greece or Paris. "It" changes like a chameleon, taking on the colour of you. "It" only wants to be owned. "It" might turn out to be the best of you. Keep It Simple, Smartguy. Surprisingly your friend, VP

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