Thursday, October 13, 2005


October 13 responses

Hi Mark, Focusing on one's relationship to one's beliefs, deliberately moving into positive things, putting behind you what went wrong, "working on oneself", deciding if and how to make amends, and many other things including community and family, used to be part of the Christian Sunday. The last 2 generations gutted that. Were those things one reason why previous generations lived with fewer disruptions to their personal lives and could do so many interesting things because they kept more money. LHE
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Mr. Toastmaster - Mark, I want to "Thank You" for being such a great sport and a 'wild' Tom the Turkey! The members gobbled you up! It made for an enjoyable evening at Toastmasters. Best, EC
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Thanks for your comments on Yom Kippur. I'm not Jewish, and I don't profess to know a lot about any religion, but I do know that faith (however practiced) is undeniably important to many people, and we should always remember to support and respect what is so important to those people. As you suggest, perhaps we can learn something and make the world a better place., AK
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Please take me off the list. Gracias, good work, but my life is overflowing now and must prioritize the time., KJ

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