Wednesday, October 12, 2005


October 12 responses

I have been having one of those "stuff" days for a while. It does make you stronger. Sometimes when you feel helpless and just listen, you are more of a support than if you try to solve the "stuff". Sometimes all a daughter needs is a moment to get all the "stuff" out of her system, cry it out, scream it out, and then it's over and she can carry on, until the next "stuff" day! Keep being there to hear the "stuff"!, SdV
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VBL - History repeating itself - in response to your question. 30-years ago my ex-husband (we did become friends later) left for another woman; and this past year, my son-in-law left my daughter, same situation – but very different reaction. My daughter went for counseling and has worked very hard on herself and is being totally present for her 2 children; I, at the time, went out looking for a replacement and did not work on me; I keep telling my daughter how proud I am of her ~ and, I am grateful that her father and I became friends and I didn't become bitter, becauseshe is able to move on, even though she is still in some pain ~ she is not blaming and is focusing on the good in her life. It might be interesting to look at why we both picked the same kind of man - but, I guess, your chances are about 50% - psychological reasoning aside. LBK
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I love what you said about no apparent solution, listening is a great alternative. I think that is why we have two ears & one mouth! We can learn so much & be helpful when we just listen!
LJH in Oklahoma
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