Monday, October 10, 2005


October 10 responses

It was a great day on the golf course - and if it should be the last game of golf for the season, it was a fitting end to a busy season. Great dinner too. AW
. . .
Thankfulness is a strange and wonderful mindset that everyone should experience once in a while. A colleague was very rude and lacking in respect to me the other day and I was thankful. I was thankful that he was not my son. I was thankful that I was not his mother, I was thankful that my sons would never speak to a woman as he spoke to me. I was thankful that I was not married to him . And, I was thankful that he was not my neighbour. Lastly, I was thankful that he gave me the opportunity to list the reasons that I had for being thankful at that instant in my life. None of those thoughts would have ever entered my mind if he hadn't given me the fleeting opportunity to reflect on that which I value in my life. It was a good experience ...., JB

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