Monday, October 31, 2005


Monday Oct. 31, 2005 - Year 3, Day 224 - trick or treat

1C / 34F, strong westerly wind, overcast blue gray with a strip of magenta painted along the horizon - the geese are gone from the lagoon, it’s empty but for a pair of ducks

ghoul-morning everybody this ‘All Hallows Eve’ , a day of myth & fun, a day for the disembodied spirits of all those who have died throughout the preceding year coming back in search of living bodies to possess for the next year; among us in the cold in the dark in the life of those without as much hope as we have . . or who hear things go bump in the night, there are those who need our hand, our touch, our word, our smile . . .

. . . to remind them there are better days ahead . . . smoother paths to follow

I have to get ready for a meeting & dash . .

Happy Halloween !


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