Wednesday, September 07, 2005


Wednesday Sept. 7, 2005 Year 3, Day 171 - boyish enthusiasm

5C/37 F, sunny, walking late; encountered a golden lab exhibiting boyish enthusiasm – what a contrast between him @ 8wks & Gusta @ 6 months – how much she’s grown !

the big honkin’ project is nearly done – afterward I always give my head a shake; but then the next one comes along & I lunge forward with boyish enthusiasm – only again to flop in middle-aged exhaustion; having slept 6 hours in the last 48 I am making really clear decisions on what MUST be done today, what can surely wait . . . also concluding some thing should not be done at all . . . how does one know the difference ?

hey WM, AR takes you to task with strong points; I suspect AR read one but not both of your comments last week . . . you 2 have basis for a dust-up or some understanding . . .which ?

AR, you are a-rousing when ticked . . . but then you are a-rousing all the time [are you still seeing tango-man?]

I’m playing in the Mortgage Loans Assoc. golf tournament this afternoon & gotta run


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