Hello Mark! Thank you for sharing your insightful thoughts and ideas to create a more meaningful life. I have been on your FacilityCalgary list for over 3 years and receiving the musings have been 'amusing'! Thank you and I do hope to meet you in person someday... Smiles, LL
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Please remove this address from your distribution list. I don't take the opportunity to read them at this address, but have enjoyed what I have seen at a glance. I'll send a request, in a month or so, to be added to your distribution list, using a different email address., DM
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To WM, It sounds like you are doing wonderful things in a part of the world that needs it - but get off your high horse. You paint all North Americans and Europeans with one broad brush stroke. We are not all selfish narrow minded people and we are not all alike - any more than all Orientals or Africans are alike. You have chosen to live with rotting soy beans and do what youcan 'in the field'. But that does not mean that you are holier than someone who does enjoy a safe healthy life style with their children, an occasional round of golf, good familiar food (not timbits), and a comfortable bed. There are many people here in North America who do a lot for people who are not as lucky as we are, but choose to do it without giving up a life style that is comfortable. I have less time to golf than I would like to have, because I work long hours and spend as much time with my children as I can. Among other things, I have recently organized a biosand water filter program to bring clean, safe water to 120,000 people in Africa - I couldn't have done that if I was living in a third world country and struggling with day to day life and death decisions, as it seems you are doing. Many of us help in whatever way seems best to us. I will not criticize your choices (although there are many arguments about the chauvinism of thinking that we know what is best for another culture that may or may not apply to what youdoing), and would hope that you would show people who have chosen a different road than you the same respect. AR
# posted by Mark Kolke @ 7:56 a.m.