Mark, Sandra here....Hey, when are we going to have that phone interview? I'm most likely leaving for three weeks on Monday. Got an email from the Red Cross Disaster Director, who said to enjoy the last 'normal' weekend I'll have in quite a while!, SW
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Never made it to the Buddhist weekend. Turns out my younger son XXXX - who has been struggling emotionally -- came home very sick. So I've been a nurser instead of a searcher these past few days. So then, I was hoping to get up to the cabin for a few days of silence, but it seems that will have to be put on hold as well, to see if he's going to respond to treatment at home or have to be hospitalized. Sigh. Oh well. My path and insight opportunities will still be there I'm sure. And perhaps the lesson is in the being, not the going. No one ever said that Zen was a neat package. The hug's coming right back atcha. , PM
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This is a good one.............knock, knock..............I like what the other AS had to say in his/her reply today........sounds like me. I just tend to get alittle more of a wall with each hurt. I think we all do. I finally got the Tibetan Test and it was one that I had done several times before. Crazy thing about it is this......the people probably change on our answers........but do we look at it and wonder if our priorities are in the correct order and are we willing to change anything in our thought process? Or can we change, or are these things so engrained in us that we always remain at their mercy? Just a thought...........the other AS from OK
# posted by Mark Kolke @ 6:13 p.m.