Good morning, Mark. It was only 6 degrees in north Calgary this morning. You southerners get all the breaks! Interesting comment on the Tibetan challenge questions. My answers were also unexpected and need some thinking..... Cheers for today. AW
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Hi Mark. It was nice chatting with you last week and as per our talk,I'm writing to see if you'd like to get out for a little lunch in the next while. Also, would you mind sending me the Tibetan challenge you were referring to? Let me know about lunch. Thanks, JH
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do i know u?? please enlighten me. thank you, HJ
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BTW your musings are more enjoyable now than ever. The brevity is critical because folks think they do not have the time to read non-core stuff never mind reflect. Your work makes me do both. Thanks., KC
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I've been enjoying your musings lately. They seem fresh and open. Thanks, PM
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Thanks for your reply and I am very grateful knowing you wanted to help me, Henny, HdJ
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Hi, I'm not sure how I was added to this email list but enjoy it. Could you please remove this email address and use Thanks, AC
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Your references to Gusta are a bittersweet read for are experiencing with Gusta the beginnings while I am coming to the end of a relationship that has sustained , comforted, and healed. Each day brings us closer to what I dread....the decision to let her free her. I watch, I agonize, I rationalize. I have had one more day and maybe tomorrow will be a good day too. I remember when we would go walking along the country road behind our home by the lake and she would run ahead and then look back to see where I was, and run smack into a tree, shake it off, and run on down the road., JB
# posted by Mark Kolke @ 2:56 p.m.