Mark, Your musing today is good for my soul. In having yet another failed relationship, which actually brought me geographically close to you last month, your words of compromise and mature women give me something to hold on to on this hard to bare morning. It is hard for me to understand all the complexities of the human nature, why we say the things we do and what realities those thoughts spilled out of our mouths bring. I suppose it is fundamental that we just love, life gives and takes. Are we meant to learn something from each loss, each failure .... ???? I guess we should just be grateful for the joys we do receive. Personally, I am ready for my world to be happy, with a man that knows what he wants and how to love. Yet, I fear that when that man does walk into my life I will not recognize it because of fear itself. Thanks Mark! Have a good day. Oh yeah, I noticed you have another AS .......well, they might need another handle as I was here first!! I think!!! With 4600 in your community now, it was bound to happen! , AS
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Mark, just out of curiosity, at 47, into which category do I fall? Younger or older?. LR
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Thanks for the pic of Gusta. She is growing up to be a very pretty young lady indeed!!! HS
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So where's this pic of Gusta everybody's talking about? How come I didn't get it? I feel left out. :( , SM
Great musings! I checked your blog for Gusta's photo. Is it there? mc
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How about this from the Dalai Lama's instructions for life; " Remember that not getting what you want (what you think you want) is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck" and " When you lose, don't lose the lesson" Just started getting your emails and I enjoy them. Thanks, EN
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Hi, So Oedipus likes a bit of old strudel eh? Surely there must be sources of analogy to describe women other than confectionary (Viz. "Arm candy"). I'm not sure if I want to be consumed, certainly not as a snack. I think you should open the floor on this one and see if other musers can find suitable comparisons. Ripening nicely meanwhile, Shelagh, SK
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How's it going Marky Mark. Unfortunately (or fortunately - who knows) the Edmonton man is gonzo. I have to say that I take exception to the quote by Capon. As an "older woman", and I'm assuming he means over 50, my crust and filling are still a force to be reckoned with! It's not only been nice to read your musings on a daily basis, but to know that I can always depend on a little visit from you every day. Keep up the good work Mark., TJ
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Hey hey fellow dog lover... attached one pic of arnie darling the angel I live with, he is 10 years old. was called arnie by the owners as he was the tough guy in the litter.. and I do have a fondness for tough guys ..hehe! but of course he has a heart of gold and the unconditional love is sublime.... Also a latest pic of Moi. taken as I was about to go out for dinner... Hope all is well with you Mark...I am just back from a short break in Pitlochry total bliss and majestic scottish countryside to frame every single experience of the weekend. Hey Mark there is an old scottish saying..... THE OLDER THE FIDDLE , THE BETTER THE TUNE . Methinks there is a lot of truth in the words......! Well as one fast approaching my sixth decade I firmly believe in the words...!!Age is immaterial its the person that matters in all interaction. The combination of mind and body can be lethal at any age particularly if the levels of intelligence and physical attractiveness are in harmony.! Ciao SUZY X, SF
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Morning Mark! I apologize - I was feeling really sorry for myself last night, and of course, thought of you. You always make me feel better. Anyway, I'm feeling like my old self again this morning. (Did I say old?) I wish I could visit but have no time off or for that matter, no money, to travel right now. But I'll keep you posted when and if I ever win the lottery. Take care my "friend". It's so nice to know you're just around the corner., TJ
# posted by Mark Kolke @ 10:32 a.m.