I guess you had just better lighten up mate, if some feel you are intimidating I don't agree one bit; you just have to get to know the soul, that is Mark. , BE
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Very opportune discussion of change. I'm presently beginning change at my work of 7 years with a new chair running the department, who is bringing about change that directly affects me. I'm not liking it much, but am sitting back waiting to see if maybe it's not so bad after all. Sometimes first impression ends up not being as bad as first thought. But sitting back trying not to fret about things is difficult., SB
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And have I been replaced by another PM? By the way, how are you? I just finished this year's Arts for the Soul - the arts camp retreat held every year in Steamboat. Fascinating, inspiring, and full of energy. You must come some year! It's life changing and enhancing for everyone who enters into the spirit of it, amateur and professional alike. I wasn't able to do all the afternoon hiking this year (due to ACL surgery) but still got up in the high country, with a couple of 80-somethings who were more my speed! They taught me how to see and appreciate yet again. Take care, Pattie, PM
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Any idea how I ended up on your mailing list. I don't mind too much, but my employer needs to maintain a high level of security on the e-mail system, and I need to support it. AJB
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yes you are intimidating Mark.......LL
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Intimidating, resistant to change - my, my - doesn't sound like the Mark that I know. Time for another picture of the biggest change in your life this year - Gusta! , AW
# posted by Mark Kolke @ 10:22 a.m.