Saturday, September 10, 2005


Saturday Sept. 10, 2005 - Year 3, Day 174 - toe in the water

written in Millwoods @ 9 AM ; sent from Internet Café on Jasper Avenuewalking wet dog on unfamiliar turf is volunteering to have my shoulder dislocated every time - she lunges to sniff everything new - 11C, heavy overcast & windy, rain abateda struggle to find a simple set of words to say this - I notice more lately; not sure if I am getting better at anything or maybe just becoming a better observerwhether the company of a good friend, the warm of a gesture from my kids, the smile of a stranger, the collaboration of a colleague or an ‘ah-ha!’ moment on a golf cart or sitting in a movieit is this fascination with the very nature of curiosity – not just of being curious, which I’ve always been to the point of being an annoyance – but more of being curious about behaviour - watching others & myself when a toe is dangled in unfamiliar waterto nudge someone toward opening up, to tease someone with the mysteries of their own exploration should they venture into water that, while well charted by others, is new territory to them - putting one to in the wet for the first time; a mental pandora’s box itching to be opened – or not; perhaps to be probed another day . . yesterday full & worthwhile on several fronts; MM & I saw a ‘turkey’last night – ‘The Wedding Crashers’ not recommended, even if tickets are free; Carla & I talked & watched a movie till the wee wee hours; today lunch with JR, coffee with RT & golf with MM [hope the rain stops]

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