Friday, September 09, 2005


Friday Sept. 9, 2005 Year 3, Day 173

first bornWritten @ 7 AM in Millwoods, Edmonton . . sent later from internet café on Jasper AvenueOvercast & cool; 9C, new park to walk, investigating thousands of south Edmonton scents, Gusta like a one-eyed dog in a meat shop; Carla left for work . . . Gusta lays in wait by the door, expecting any moment she will return some people never have children – I have no opinion on that, though my vantage point keeps shifting – I appreciate a little more each time I see mine what a great investment of time & effort they have been; reminder last night – the dividends become more & mor priceless . . . I am a guest in Carla’s home & she stays up late to visit with me even though she had a brutal day & early start; a long way from 2 AM feedings, diaper changes & rocking her to sleep 27 years ago; it seems only yesterday my first born was first bornoohh life’s good & my back is so much better this morning after 2 hours on Eva’s massage table last nightfrenetic work of recent days culminates in delivery this morning – the rest of the day - meetings, errands, meetings, errands . . . where traffic’s a breeze & parking won’t break the bank . . . & getting together with MM this eveningtic-toc

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