Monday, August 15, 2005
Monday Aug. 15, 2005 - Year 3, Day 148 - another thing
yesterday was a great day – an incredible treatise in from SW . . thank you for confirming my thoughts resonated with at least one person . .
is THE way of things planned, accidental; is it focused or random ?
I so often fail to connect with people, clients & ingredients I think are just grand
clearly random collisions of personalities & ideas produces better energy than calculated motives & actions . . .
as the path Frost never took, each fork in a road leads somewhere where inevitably there are more forks, more choices, more opportunities to choose the brand of success we want in everything we do, everything we wish for, everyone we meet
what are the ingredients that connect & bond some people while others, notwithstanding much effort sometimes, never quite do . . . especially when the apparent required ingredients are plentiful ?
this morning – an example – see the great note from SF, of how random connections can unite people even if the one initiating that connection [in this case, me] is no part of the equation
imagine that internet enabled capacity to offer people forks in the road around the world, so someone in Scotland can connect with someone in Edmonton – two people I have never met
many times I make connections that are the most improbable; I smile & say hhhmmmm
sometimes I do my best stuff when I just let one thing leads to another thing leads to another thing
[P.S.: to those who asked, the reason musings are usually later on Monday is because I publish FacilityCalgary on Sunday night . . often going till 1:30-2:00 AM so I sleep fast, caffeine & apples wake me slowly]