Sandra here....I am an official Idahoan, since I took put the "Famous Potatoes" license plates on my 4-Runner! Awake, Alone, Aware. It's enough angst to be awake and alone....but the awareness of it, the memory of another sweet time is enough to make me want to cry, sigh, even tend to despair that I will ever find someone to love deeply again. Same boat Mark....My little desk verse of the day says, "Love is like a flower that puts forth a timid bud in spring, then, warmed by the loving kisses of the summer sun, opens to reveal its true glory to the world." Someone who knows us well, who loves all facets, and finds our flaws endearing, encourages us to bloom. Ah....for that I would give anything. A rare find in the vast universe!, SW
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Mark, Feeling your musings off and on about loneliness these past few weeks. Today I read a piece of advice on not divorcing or breaking off a love affair if it is "51%". That 5l% is enough to stay and work on, fight for. I wonder. When my husband and I split, it seems that we were each operating at under 50%, and hadn't the juice to keep on with the relationship. I can't help feeling I made a mistake, out of ignorance. We broke up, and the bitter fruit is loneliness. Just my musing, seeded by your musings. I would never advocate settling. Recognizing 51% as a reasonable basis to build, create, heal ... and I didn't see the possibility then. And havinggiven up whatever percent I had with a good man and father of my children, I am definitely ahold out for 85+ in my next relationship. Thank you for writing. Your voice found my voice. CS
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I just read your 'musings'. Thanks for sending it to me. Your poetic words gave me a glimpse into yourself. The passion. That desire to be known and to know someone intimately. To connect. I hope to hear more from you…, DN
# posted by Mark Kolke @ 1:08 p.m.