So glad we connected, Mark. Although I'm a rather tough cookie to crack at times, you certainly have struck a chord with me. Hope we can touch base soon. TJ
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Hello again Mark, embracing solitude well is the secret to a happy existence for those of us who chose to live alone. This life of mine is the good book on the shelf in lots of differing categories, friendships, lovers, acquaintances, children etc. The giving of yourself to another in complete trust and love to have broken , yet again, is the hurdle too high for me to jump or contemplate,.. so for now I exist within this library. maybe some of you out there will understand that concept. SUZY XX ( Good to have your correspondence again) . And yes the misty high ground of Scotland does roll in and over you and consumes the being and vision and adds mystery to every twist and turn, a bit like life really, SF
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... there ARE nice "cat women" -- I'm one of them!! I love dogs and most dogs are great, except for the yappy bugger next door to me, but cats are independent, can be left alone for the day or a couple of days without a worry, don't eat furniture or shoes and almost never leave little surprises on the floor (except for the odd hairball)!! As for music, I am very much a rock 'n' roll fan myself and agree Shania is painful to listen to but for some reason, men think she's great towatch...go figure... Have a great week, cc
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Are those all non-negotiables? What if you met someone that was all of that except for one thing? You may be short-changing yourself if those are the rules. Dogs and cats don't have to be mutually exclusive, do they?, BC
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Cats, country music, coffee. I think you're missing the point, Mark. It seems to be that it's about the path and not the destination. That is, you talk a lot about connection/randomness/sparks - which are wonderful things that happen in the moment - but you seem to still be constantly focused on where it all ends up, not on where it is -- which is right in front of you each and very moment. Life is now, not then. Anyway, that's how it seems to me. But then again, what would you have to write about if it was all OK just as it is? Maybe this is a writer's dilemna, to create drama from the normal. Also, thanks to SW for a lovely description of what some of those lonely moments are like. I do think that the truth is we all (single, married and otherwise) feel them from time to time and it's OK. We don't have to define our lives by them, no more than a bad cup of coffee. We are who we are, alone or apart. That doesn't change by finding that special someone. PM
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Well Mark - I'm prompted to write as a result of the chuckle I had reading cc's response to you about cats and country music - so I just had to add my 2 bits worth also - I have a dear friend who like yourself was seeking the love of a great lady - he too did not want a lady who liked cats or had kids - guess what - for the past 5 years he's been extremely happy with the lady who moved in with her - 3 - count them - 3 cats and teenage rebel daughter - In fact things are going so well between them I hear wedding bells ringing soon! So relax - when it happens the wish list goes out the window! SS
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Thank you for the insights, I however need to reduce the amount of information that I am receiving every day., DM
I do read the Facility Calgary can you keep me on that list for now, when things calm down I will resubmit to the musings as I enjoy them when I have time
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Amelia -- My DOG - - Hi Everyone, Amelia went to puppy heaven tonight. She died peacefully with her head in my lap, at the clinic with Dr. Hill and myself telling her to go to sleep. She had deteriorated significantly in the past two weeks (from 94 pounds in OH over July 4th to just 68 pounds tonight). We've had a great life, and traveled many miles together by air, footpath, and by highway. I couldn't have asked for a more loyal four-legged friend and companion. She truly was a part of our family and will be greatly missed. So give your dog a big hug tonight...I did. Take care, PF
# posted by Mark Kolke @ 10:27 a.m.