Tuesday, June 07, 2005
Tuesday June 7, 2005 - Year 3, Day 79 catching raindrops musing
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another walk . . or was it dancin’ in the rain with a soggy dog; Gusta loves water & finds tall wet grass, dirt piles & puddles compelling . .while mud slicked pavement is an adventure in skidding making my walk entertaining if nothing else
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I get responses from musers telling me I gave them a lift, an idea, an inspiration of some kind; I get validation from those who tell me I articulate thoughts they have yet lack the opportunity or courage or audience to express them to; in my first year writing these musings I would often come back from my walk – especially on those days when my keyboard looked back at me with a ‘so tell me something?’ attitude – I would wonder if I could keep it going
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on those days lacking inspiration – wondering if I could be fresh & relevant, if I would have the daily motivation to write my thoughts . . AND . . . if I would continue to feel comfortable sharing those thoughts with others, most particularly total strangers
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some days ideas just fall into my head from somewhere – sometimes it is a struggle but not often
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today my plan had been to work through a pile of things from ‘must do’ through to ‘postponed too long’ items – yet my mood is more a ‘curl up with a coffee & some good music – watch it rain, walk in the rain, absorb the rain . . dream dreams, think thoughts, create creation’ kinda day; something about this weather gets my mind racing
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inspiration does not come in buckets
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it comes in drips & drops & fits & starts
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when those drips & drops come down all at once it rains !
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I need a rain barrel to catch but just a little; or maybe I should catch my rain of ideas with a colander . . . letting all the drops through, but slowing the flow just a tad
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stay warm !
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