Thursday, June 02, 2005
Thursday June 2, 2005 - Year 3, Day 74 1 type of human musing
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quick walk & short - inspired by wind & threatening sky - we got back just ahead of the deluge
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do we find perfection in anyone ? . . . do we find the ingredients that complete the jigsaw puzzle but pairing up with some ideal partner who matches/counters/fits our strengths, our weaknesses & with whom we have chemistry & biology fun . . ?
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our uniqueness is not that we are unique, but that we fail in unique ways to recognize how similar we all are
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when we realize how we can be buoyed or sunk by the same things, realize we are all subject to common bonds & struggles – we are all 1 type – the human type & we are all the same
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poignant responses from some of you – thanks – pouring out your support & feelings to LH
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I missed my Toastmasters meeting last night in favour of the Calgary Women’s Emergency Shelter fundraising dinner; 2 things of note – the first being a chat with a muser I’d not met before in front of me in line . . an interesting chat ensued; nice to meet-cha JM & your lovely wife too
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the 2nd was the powerful message of the guest speaker Lt. General [Retired] & recently appointed Senator Romeo Dallaire . . who spoke of genocide horror in Rawanda & other conflicts bringing things to our consciousness it is so easy to avoid thinking about living our comfortable existence isolated from the realities of the 80% of the world’s population who live a profoundly different life – but reminding us we are all the same; though our circumstances appear to be worlds apart that there is only 1 type of human, 1 type of child; an incredible speaker & truly great Canadian who has served his country & by his example, his speaking & writing he has made the world a better more caring place
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dog report: Gusta got shots & a 1st meeting with a vet yesterday – socializing enthusiastically with fellow patients, owners & staff; she weighs 20 lbs now
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I have a sleeping dog footrest under my desk – what a great way to start any day
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