Friday, June 10, 2005


more June 10 response

Thanks for the reply Mark. One never fully appreciates what goes on in the world we live in. Each one of us has a ton of history made hour by hour day by day. At one time in my own life I was not in a very good place. My Dad was dying of cancer, I was going through a divorce and both of the companies I was running where floundering…… short, I thought my life sucked more than anyone else’s. One day I was flying back into Calgary from Toronto after a somewhat difficult IR trip and it was a beautiful crystal clear evening and I could see Winnipeg and Regina and all the small centers in between as well as all the small towns off in the distance. I realized at that moment that I was passing over hundreds of thousands of people who all had the same issues I had…….both good and bad. In short I needed to get my goofy ass out of the feel sorry mode and grasp a hold of life and deal with it rather than have it deal with me. So………I did!! Let’s just say the rest has been wonderful history. Mark, I’m not sure why I am even telling you these things other than that you seem a very honest open individual and I am as well so maybe a bit of quid pro quo was in order. I’m not much of an internet guy. I only got an email in my office a couple of months back because everyone was tired of passing messages along to me. I truly believe we have lost something in our society because of this stuff and it has not been fully offset by what we have gained. However having said that, I do appreciate what you have been sending. It’s the only really non business thing I seem to be able to read during the day. Did the lilacs bloom yet?? If they did I believe that I missed it, MH

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