Monday, June 06, 2005


Monday June 6, 2005 - Year 3, Day 78 rainy day musing

+9C, raining a little, predictions call for it to be raining a lot
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a short walk – more later; the air is very fresh but not chilled . . . everything has greened up so much
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so what makes a day beautiful ? today is a gray, rainy golf preventing event
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it is a Monday – the day when rested workers return to their tasks . . . as must I
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many will sport a Monday morning frown; while others will be walking light in their loafers with a grin that takes all the weight off their shoulders . . .
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what makes that difference ?
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what takes the drudge out of drudgery, the pain out of pain-in-the-__tt, what makes the rock I push up the hill slide just a little easier ? it is the connectivity – the stitching together of ideas, people, places, sentiments, encouragement & courtesies we exchange ?
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I think it is easy to understand . . when I am ‘on top of the world’ about something . . or when I see someone else who is . . but not all of us feel that way every Monday morn !
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what, then, does one take/do/think to get over that dullness . . . not an ache or a pain but certainly a failure to overcome inertia
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for me . . it is easy today, reflecting on some recent events; the reaching out I’ve seen of people who have no connection whatever – save being spokes on this wheel – yet one person’s tragic loss is someone else’s opportunity to reach out sympathetically . . . while counting their own blessings
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today there will be laughter somewhere, sunshine in many places, successes & moving forward of every description somewhere – they need not happen in my life, in my face or in my home for me to appreciate them, value them, learn from them . . .
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each of us can count these things among our own; on another Monday the joy, the event, the hurdle crossed will be ours . . . others can then share in our glory, in our joy
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have a great rainy day
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